Cowgirls Git-R-Dun Guinness World Record Ride

Cowgirls Git-R-Dun Guinness World Record Ride
A benefit motorcycle ride around America, 35 days, 35 states, 39 legs, 9637 miles

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Is Your Vessel Clean?

Is your vessel clean?
When we go to do acts of
kindness for others, have
we ruined our witness with
them beforehand? What I
mean by this is, if you tell
the cashier at the "all you
can eat buffet" that your
children are 10 and 11
years old , but they are
really 12 and 13 you have
ruined your witness with
your children. How?
Well you just told them to
lie about their ages to save
a dollar or two. That makes
you an unclean "vessel"
to those children. What if
the neighbors children
overheard from the back
of the line, and they know
how old your children are
because they go to school
together? Pow! another
witness ruined.  And so on
and so on. This is not just
about lying but what if you
told your elderly neighbor
you would repair his broken
window before winter.
Then you get busy and forget.
Does that ruin your witness
with him?  This does not
necessarily mean you
ability to witness as a
Christian either, it could
simply mean that those
peoples trust in you is
blown forevermore.
There are always people
watching, listening,
waiting to trip you up. 
I refer to them as the Devil's advocates.
So I ask you this,
when you go to the
cabinet to get a glass
(a vessel if you will ),  
for a drink of water,
if you notice something
in the glass, if it looks dirty,
will you use it or will you
simply put it in the sink
and choose another cleanser
glass (or vessel) to drink from?
Ezra 8:28
And I said unto them,
Ye are holy unto the Lord:
The vessels are holy also:
 And the silver and the gold
are free will offering unto
the Lord God of your fathers.
In God We Trust

Monday, November 29, 2010

Live your best life.

Live your best life.
How? you may ask. If you do
everything you know to do good.
If you try to always choose the
right over the wrong. If you try
to make choices that help
instead of hinder yourself and
those around you, you will have
lived your best life. Focus your
energy on the good things. I know
bad things happen, and we have
to give them attention. BUT Try to
"spin toward the positive" instead
of I can't, try to find a way to re-word
and say I can. For example.
Instead of "I can't find a good job";
Try "The right job just hasn't come
along yet" Instead of " I can't climb
that mountain"; Try "I can climb that
mountain, but I have to do it one step
at a time". I know It is difficult, at first,
to drop negative self talk, after all you
have done it your whole life. So take
baby steps. Stop yourself and restate
those negative statements. Soon it will
come naturally!
John 21:6
And he said unto them,
cast the net on the right
side of the ship,
and ye shall find.
They cast therefore and now
they were not able
to draw it for
the multitude of fishes.
In God We Trust

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Arenacross National Champion Kendall Chase's Birthday Video 11-28-2010 at

Happy Birthday Kendall, I hope it was your best one ever and this year is the best and most successful year of your life and racing career. I just wanted to let you know that just because I'm now working with you, that doesn't mean I don't wish you all the very best in all you do. You have what it takes to the be the b...est of the best and I know that you Will Git-R-Dun!!!

Good Luck and Good Health.
Your fan and friend always,

If the Mountain was smooth,

If the Mountain was smooth,
you could not climb it.
Looking back over your life,
The rough patches were where
you gained your strength.
Without those places in your life
that caused struggles, you would
never be as strong as you are
today. Be thankful for those
places where you have climbed up
the rough side of the mountain,
and  pray that they have prepared
you for the next climb.
Life is a journey,
where you end up is a choice.
Matthew 8:13
...Go thy way; and as thou hast
believed so be it done into thee.
In God We Trust.


Saturday, November 27, 2010

Let your light shine

If you light a candle in a  room
already filled with light, It gives
off a nice little glow around it.
It puts off a little warmth.
It would take many candles
 to make enough light to 
"light up the room"
 If you light a candle in the
darkness, just one candle
can make everything appear
Like the example of  the
candles we believe
we do not make much
difference in others lives.
But when someone is in
total darkness, Your little
candle could make
all the difference.
Let your light shine.
Matthew 5:16
Let your light so shine
before men, that they may
see your good works, and
glorify your Father
which is in Heaven.
In God We Trust.


Friday, November 26, 2010

No, Life is NOT FAIR!

Never say you were not warned,
for after you have read this,
if you did not already know,
now you do. Life is NOT FAIR! 
Get over it! 
Yeah I know ...uplifting and
inspirational. Well yeah that and
honest. Face it, life is really not fair.
If it were, would there be cancer,?
Would there be domestic violence?
Would those poor children have to
suffer when someone they love dies
because of either?  So what are we
gonna do about it? Everything we can? 
I want to encourage everyone to save
yogurt lids, be aware of the needs of one
another and be supportive. Keep your
thoughts positive, And above all else.
Love one another and love yourself.
Ecclesiastes 7:9
Be not hasty in thy spirit  to be angry:
for anger resteth in the boosom of fools
In God We Trust.


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Have you ever noticed how
the ones who have the least
appear to be the most Thankful?
1 Timothy 4:4
For every creature of
God is good,
And nothing to be refused
if it be received with
1 Timothy 4:5
For it is sanctified by the
word of God and prayer.
In God We Trust.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Hows Your Hearing?

There is a verse that is repeated
many times in the Bible
"He that hath an ear,
let him hear what the
spirit saith unto the churches."
When I read for understanding,
I sometimes ponder what I am
reading for many days before I
get any real revelation from it.
But I think if something bears
repeating; repeatedly, It must be
pretty important. So again I say
Revelations 2:29
He that hath an ear,
let him hear what the
spirit saith unto the churches.
In God We Trust.


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Unstable in Being Doubleminded

Make up your mind to be what
you are. If you are what we refer
to as Wishy Washy,People will
have no confidence in you.
Just be you. If people do not
like you for whoyou are, then
they don't like you. But don't be
somebody you are not, just to
please others.
Be true to yourself.
 After all if you do not like you...Who will?
James 1:8
A double minded man is unstable in all ways.
In God We Trust.


Monday, November 22, 2010

Silence Is Golden

Sometimes we would
all be better served to
practice the old adage
"Silence is Golden"
We often say too much,
when we would have been
so much better served
to have remained silent.
Matthew 5:37
But let your communication be,
Yea, yea: Nay,Nay;
For whatsoever is more than
these cometh of evil.
In God We Trust.


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Make Your Needs Known

Have you ever had
a need  and you
knew one who could fulfill
that need, but you would
not ask? I have a problem
with this one myself.
I think they should
see my need and my
struggles and just offer.
That's what I do when
I see another is in need.
But sometimes others do
not see our needs
unless we point them out
to them. Just ask.
Make you needs known.
If no one knows,
no one responds.
James 4:2
....Ye have not because
ye ask not.
James 4:3
Ye ask and receive not
because ye ask amiss,
that ye may consume
it upon your lusts.
In God We Trust.


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Good Stewardship

When we are blessed with anything,
we should be willing to use that
blessing to bless others. If your
health is good,
Do good deeds for others. If your
wallet is filled, Share with those who
struggle  financially. If you have a
talent, share that talent in a way 
that will help and bless others.
According to the Bible, we all have
gifts and talents.
And we are required to use those
talents for the Honor and Glory of
God Our Creator.
1 Peter 4:10
As every man hath received the gift,
even so minister the same one to
another as good stewards of
the manifold grace of God.
In God We Trust.


Friday, November 19, 2010

Warning signs of breast cancer

Ladies, You are on a need to know basis, and you need to know about this quick & painless break through technology that can detect abnormal cells EIGHT year before something would show up in a Mammogram. You owe it you yourself and every women you know to watch this and share it.

Never be afraid to ask for help

Fear often controls our actions,
However, we must Never be afraid
to ask for help. If you are
afraid others will judge you based
on your needs, then you are
asking the wrong people.
Find people who "lift you up"
And ask them for help.
Whatever your trials, there
is someone willing to help.
Psalms 18:6
In My Distress I
called upon the lord ,
and cried unto God:
he heard my voice out
of his temple and
my cry came before
him even unto his ears.
In God We Trust.


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Are you Correct, or are you Right?

To quote about a million mothers
down through the ages:
"Do unto others as you would
have them do unto you"
Always try to take the high road.
Always try to do what's right.
Not to always BE right...
but to DO what's right.
Sometimes we can be correct,
and still be wrong.
Our actions and how we handle
things says a lot about us.
Matthew 5 :10
Blessed are they which are
persecuted for righteousness'
sake : for theirs is the
kingdom of God
Matthew 5:11
Blessed are ye, when men shall
revile you, and persecute you,
and shall say all manner of evil
against you falsely, for my sake.
Matthew 5:12
 Rejoice and be exceeding glad:
For great is your reward in Heaven:
for so persecuted they the prophets
which were before you.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Is Something Missing?

Is Something Missing?
It seems that there are people who just
Naturally hold a lot of wisdom within.
You know the type, Someone with
whom you can bring up any subject
and they can discuss it and they appear
somewhat knowledgable. I do not know
where they store all of the information they
have.Sometimes I can't recall what I had
for dinner last night.But I do know there
have been times when I needed knowledge
or information and it simply was no longer
in my storehouse to recover. A few years
ago I discovered something that has never
failed me. I was looking for something
I HAD to have for a new job. I knew I'd
had it the day before and it was gone.
I looked until I was sick. Then I sat down
on my bed and quietly asked the Lord to
take control. I prayed
"Lord,I know you know how important
this is to me, and if You want me to have
this job, please show me where it is.
I trust you, Lord and I love you with
all of my heart." Then came the hard part.
I went to bed and forgot about it.
When I awoke I knew exactly where
the item was. EXACTLY.

1:5 If any of you lack wisdom,
let him ask God,
That giveth to all men lberally,
and upbraideth not;
and it shall be given him.
But let him ask in faith,not
wavering. For he that wavereth
is like a wave of the sea driven
with the wind and tossed.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My UPDATED Video Rebuttal

My UPDATED video rebuttal to the latest  slanderous smear campaign waged against me by a disgruntled excommunicated member of our group forum. She is attempting to discredit our efforts in helping abused women in crisis & breast cancer patients in need. A propaganda vendetta of scorn & vengeance. A shallow minded attack yet again on my ethics, integrity and character.

She accuses me then hides in the shadows and wont face me or  won't produce proof of even one of the many women that she claims I have scammed, why? because they don't exist. Its a cowardly, dastardly act of vindictiveness and retaliation for being deleted from our forum, Cowgirls Git-R-Dun Ranch, for inappropriate conduct.

If you do your due diligence and check out our Tagged group
and speak with the members you Will quickly learn there is no merit to her accusation, then you might want to visit the supporting site 
I hope you Will share this video rebuttal comment with all your friends to help extinguish this Slander and help me clear my name.


Tried In the Fire

Tried In The Fire
When metals are to be "refined" or
"made precious" the process is a
brutal one. It involves heating melting
and beating the metal until all of the
impurities have been removed. 
The process removes all of the
unwanted "stuff". The metal is then
ready for making beautiful
things.This process is a great
metaphor for life.We have to go
through a lot of heating and beating
in our daily journeys. How we come
out of the refinery is a choice tho.
Will we be beaten down and angry?
Will we be better for the things
 we have been through?

1 Peter 1:7
 That the trial of your faith,
being much more
precious than of gold that
perisheth, though it be tried
in the fire, might be found unto
 praise and honor and glory
at the appearing of Jesus Christ:
1Peter 1:8
Whom having not seen, ye love;
in whom though now ye see him not,
yet believing, ye rejoice with
joy unspeakable and full of glory.
God Bless You,
In God We Trust,

Monday, November 15, 2010

Do what you do, well

When you find something you love to do,
do it with all your heart. Be dedicated.
Nobody likes half hearted efforts.
The lord loves a cheerful giver.
If you volunteer, or give money to a cause,
whatever you do; do so with gusto.
Be glad you did it and do it without expecting
personal gain. Better to have never done
a thing than to have done it with regrets.
Psalm 30:12
To the end that my glory
may sing praise to thee,
and not be silent .
 O lord my God, I will give
thanks unto thee forever.
In God We Trust.


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Fight The Battle Fully Armed

Fight The Battle Fully Armed
When fighting a battle, any kind of battle,
put on your best armor. Choose your best men.
 Gather your best weapons. Yeah I hear you saying
"Well, duh, That would only stand to reason."
Yes BUT, when we fight our daily battles do we
go in fully armed? Or do we go in half armed and
half rehearsed, (if that much). Do you go about your
day in a routine rut? Try this I think it will
amaze you how much more your brain kicks
in gear if you shake things up a little.
Tomorrow, put the other shoe on first.
Brush your teeth with the other had.
Take the stairs instead of the elevator. 
Wear your watch on the other arm,
or around the other side of your wrist.  
Stir the oatmeal and eat it with the other hand.
Doing simple things differently every now and
then awakens brain cells, which Makes
you sharper and more alert, which  Makes
you better prepared for your daily battles.  Try it!
Joel 3:9
Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles;
Prepare war, wake up the mighty men,
let all the men of war draw near;let them come up.
Joel 3:10
Beat your plowshares into swords,
and your pruning hooks into spears:
let the weak say "I am strong."

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Out Of The Mouths Of Babes

There is a little song the children in our
Bible Study class sings, It simply says...
"When we all work together,
together, together.
When we all work together
how happy we'll be.
Because your work is my work,
and my work is your work...
when we all work together,
how happy we'll be."
Need I say more?
Corinthians 1:10
Now I beseech you, brethren,
by the name of your Lord Jesus Christ,
that ye all speak the same thing,
and that there be no divisions among you;
but that ye be perfectly joined together
in the same mind and in the same judgment.
God Bless you

A Master Mind Alliance


A Master Mind alliance involves two or more people working together in perfect harmony toward the attainment of a common purpose. Such a partnership creates a superpower that enables each of its members to do far more than either would have been able to achieve separately. Choose your Master Mind partners carefully. Align yourself with people whose strengths complement yours. If you are a right brain person, for example, a logically-driven left brain person may be a perfect counterbalance to your creative bent. Above all, choose to associate only with people who share your positive values and your commitment to similar levels of achievement. 
Napoleon Hill
Y'all don't forget to stop by the Honky Tonk Hangout

You can pause the music player by clicking on the two vertical bars on the left of the player


hello everyone good to see all of you . hope you are well and im glad to be here in cowgirlsgit_r_dun. so let jump stomp up some dust and let get rolled dollhouse

Friday, November 12, 2010

Welcoming Inspirational Thoughts

First I want to Welcome everyone and say how pleased I am at our progress.
Will you are my hero. Thank you for all you do.
 I will be posting inspirational messages. I hope they will uplift, and inspire you.
I hope they will help you see yourself and your situation in a positive light.  No matter how bad things are, they could always be worse. But they could always be better also.
 Reflect upon your thoughts and know that they will continue down the path in which you choose for them to go, be that negative, or positive. Choose the right one, and I assure you it will make a difference in you and those around you. Surround yourself with positive energy, positive things, and more importantly, positive people. After all the negative stuff just sucks the life out of you anyway!
1 Chronicles 4:10
And Jabez called on the God if Isreal, saying, "Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast ,and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil,that it may not grieve me!"
And God granted him that which he requested.

Harmonius Human Relationships


Most of us are incapable of "going it alone."

Whether it is in our careers, our personal relationships, or in life, we all need others if we are to achieve the level of success we desire. Besides, what’s the point of having it all if we have no one we care about to share it? You may choose to work with others, you may ignore them, or you may choose to work against them, but the greatest successes in life come to those who work harmoniously with others. When your personal goals coincide with those of another, not only does the power of your combined labors benefit you, but such cooperation also creates a synergistic effect that allows you to achieve far more than the simple sum of your individual efforts.know that friendship freely given and gratefully received is one of life’s greatest gifts.

Well Away We Go With Our New Blogger

Well just one more step in connecting to the world and reaching out to help victims of Domestic Violence in Crisis and Breast Cancer patience in need, while educating the public both women & men about these two National Crises and worthy causes. Women helping Women in a team effort; Cowgirls Git-R-Dun & The Pink Wig Society, working together for a greater good.