Is your vessel clean?
When we go to do acts of
kindness for others, have
we ruined our witness with
them beforehand? What I
mean by this is, if you tell
the cashier at the "all you
can eat buffet" that your
children are 10 and 11
years old , but they are
really 12 and 13 you have
ruined your witness with
your children. How?
Well you just told them to
lie about their ages to save
a dollar or two. That makes
you an unclean "vessel"
to those children. What if
the neighbors children
overheard from the back
of the line, and they know
how old your children are
because they go to school
together? Pow! another
witness ruined. And so on
and so on. This is not just
about lying but what if you
told your elderly neighbor
you would repair his broken
window before winter.
Then you get busy and forget.
Does that ruin your witness
with him? This does not
necessarily mean you
ability to witness as a
Christian either, it could
simply mean that those
peoples trust in you is
blown forevermore.
There are always people
watching, listening,
waiting to trip you up.
I refer to them as the Devil's advocates.
So I ask you this,
when you go to the
cabinet to get a glass
(a vessel if you will ),
for a drink of water,
if you notice something
in the glass, if it looks dirty,
will you use it or will you
simply put it in the sink
and choose another cleanser
glass (or vessel) to drink from?
Ezra 8:28
And I said unto them,
Ye are holy unto the Lord:
The vessels are holy also:
And the silver and the gold
are free will offering unto
the Lord God of your fathers.
In God We Trust
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