Is Something Missing?
It seems that there are people who just
Naturally hold a lot of wisdom within.
You know the type, Someone with
whom you can bring up any subject
and they can discuss it and they appear
somewhat knowledgable. I do not know
where they store all of the information they
have.Sometimes I can't recall what I had
for dinner last night.But I do know there
have been times when I needed knowledge
or information and it simply was no longer
in my storehouse to recover. A few years
ago I discovered something that has never
failed me. I was looking for something
I HAD to have for a new job. I knew I'd
had it the day before and it was gone.
I looked until I was sick. Then I sat down
on my bed and quietly asked the Lord to
take control. I prayed
"Lord,I know you know how important
this is to me, and if You want me to have
this job, please show me where it is.
I trust you, Lord and I love you with
all of my heart." Then came the hard part.
I went to bed and forgot about it.
When I awoke I knew exactly where
the item was. EXACTLY.
1:5 If any of you lack wisdom,
let him ask God,
That giveth to all men lberally,
and upbraideth not;
and it shall be given him.
But let him ask in faith,not
wavering. For he that wavereth
is like a wave of the sea driven
with the wind and tossed.

Cowgirls Git-R-Dun is a 501(c)(3) non-profit Florida Corp, dedicated to raising funds for 3 very worthy causes: Victims of Domestic Violence, Breast Cancer Patients & Homeless Veterans, through our primary funding vehicular, The Cowgirls Git-R-Dun World Record Ride. Its a motorcycle ride around America commencing on 9-9-11, with a goal to raise one million for EACH of the three cause. For more info visit
Angel, this really hit home for me...I have been an at home mom for the past year and a half, and decided I needed to go back to work for my own sanity. I started looking about 2 months ago, and had job offers that fell thru...long story...but also knew they weren't right for me for various reasons. Prayed about it yesterday, and today have 3 interviews scheduled.....I do know He does provide!